Low Carb Cookie & Brownie Mix Products in Canada

The best price and selection for low carb Cookie & Brownie Mix products.

Cookies and brownies can totally be part of your low carb or ketogenic lifestyle with our selection of diet-friendly bake mixes! All of these dry mixes are low in carbohydrates and sugar. Instead of a base of traditional wheat flour, they contain low glycemic and/or gluten-free alternative flours and meals. And, rather than sugar, they are sweetened with zero or low net carb, low glycemic sugar substitutes. This way, you can enjoy all of the same delicious sweetness and flavour of freshly baked cookies and brownies without any of the guilt! Plus, many of these bake mixes are high in fibre and protein, too, making them a nutritious option.

Browse different flavours and options from popular low carb brands including Good Dee’sChew-WheyDiabetic KitchenHoldTheCarbsDoctor’s CarbRiteDixie Diner and more! Whether you are in the mood for a classic chocolate chip cookie or a fudgy brownie, there are countless options below – find the one that best suits your dietary preferences below! 

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