Dreamfields Pasta
Nutrition Facts
Dreamfields Pasta helps support healthy eating plans by offering 5g of fibre in every 2 oz. dry serving, when compared to the leading brand pasta that contains just 1.8g of fibre. These pastas can help promote healthy digestion and can be a tasty alternative to regular pasta!
Why do we love Dreamfields Pasta?
- 190 calories per dry serving
- 7g protein per dry serving
- 37g net carbs per dry serving
- 2g sugar per dry serving
- Same taste, texture, and appearance of traditional pasta
- Same nutrition facts across the table
Available in these shapes:
Last Updated: 2025-01-14 13:56:04
Dreamfields Pasta helps support healthy eating plans by offering 5g of fibre in every 2 oz. dry serving, when compared to the leading brand pasta that contains just 1.8g of fibre. These pastas can help promote healthy digestion and can be a tasty alternative to regular pasta!
Why do we love Dreamfields Pasta?
- 190 calories per dry serving
- 7g protein per dry serving
- 37g net carbs per dry serving
- 2g sugar per dry serving
- Same taste, texture, and appearance of traditional pasta
- Same nutrition facts across the table
Available in these shapes:
Last Updated: 2025-01-14 13:56:04