Dreamfields Pasta
Dreamfields Pasta helps support healthy eating plans by offering 5g of fibre in every 2 oz. dry serving, when compared to the leading brand pasta that contains just 1.8g of fibre. These pastas can help promote healthy digestion and lower blood sugar spikes when compared to regular pasta. Therefore, Dreamfields Pasta can be a low-carb alternative to regular pasta!
Why do we love Dreamfields Pasta?
- 190 calories per dry serving
- 7g protein per dry serving
- 37g net carbs per dry serving
- 2g sugar per dry serving
- Same taste, texture, and appearance of traditional pasta
- Same nutrition facts across the table
Available in these shapes:
Last Updated: 2024-11-27 13:08:10Dreamfields Pasta helps support healthy eating plans by offering 5g of fibre in every 2 oz. dry serving, when compared to the leading brand pasta that contains just 1.8g of fibre. These pastas can help promote healthy digestion and lower blood sugar spikes when compared to regular pasta. Therefore, Dreamfields Pasta can be a low-carb alternative to regular pasta!
Why do we love Dreamfields Pasta?
- 190 calories per dry serving
- 7g protein per dry serving
- 37g net carbs per dry serving
- 2g sugar per dry serving
- Same taste, texture, and appearance of traditional pasta
- Same nutrition facts across the table
Available in these shapes:
Last Updated: 2024-11-27 13:08:10